But I thought I was the baby!
Ahhhhh adjustment...
It's not just Russell, Lydia and myself who are having to adjust it's also the cats. Thusfar no real problems. I've seen far less of Oz (our black cat) than I'm used to. As a matter of fact he hid for about 4 hours when we first came home after he saw Liddy. Samantha is being fearless and Roxanne is being cautious but present. Jack could care less as long as he still gets fed. (We do have our priorities after all.)
As for Lydia ands us...adjustment is coming along, slowly, but coming. The trip home was hard on all of us. We were all sick and cramped for space. (Even with buying Lydia her own seat!) We were quite blessed in that department though. We were not scheduled to sit together on 2 of our three flights (including the 11 hour one) due to our late ticket booking caused by our travel agent cancelling our seats. On the 11 hour flight a gentleman gave up his aisle seat to Russell so we could sit together as a family and on the other flight a couple gave us their first class seats so we could have more room with Lydia. The first night home, we all slept...since then it's been a bit more of an adventure. Lydia thinks night is day and day is night...so I spend most of my night up with her so Russell can sleep as he has work. She is EXTREMELY clingy right now...more so than she was in China. I can only assume this is because the world is totally different to her now than it was before. She is easily agitated, but fortunately easily calmed. She is happy most of the time, but I can tell she is confused and overwhelmed. So are we to be honest. But we are happy and I think she is as well. Now if only the cats would get happy too.
Congratulations! I'm glad you all made it safely home. What a trip! I just wanted to tell you how much I have enjoyed reading your blog. The pictures were lovely, and I am so happy for you guys! We brought our little girl home from Guatemala last December, and I remember how wonderful that time was. Congratulations again!
The kitty is very cute!!! I love all black kitties. I think all of them will eventually come around and be comfortable around Liddy.
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