Monday, November 21, 2005

Daycare and Daddy/Daughter days!

Before I talk about day care I just wanted to post a picture from our first daddy daughter day in China. I had a friend today who asked me if I let Russell "play with Lydia too". (Oh my is my possessivness showing? LOL) SO I figured I'd provide y'all with a picture of Lydia and her daddy in their "theme outfits". I got the "Whose you Daddy" at Hot Topic and "Lydia I am Your Father" Shirt from my friend Karen Petty who is the author of GwenBlog. Pretty geeky I know, but again Russell and I are "GeeksNLuv" who met in a comic book store and who own the entire first Star Trek series on DVD. Russell and Lydia have bonded now, but when we first became a family it was hard on Russ. (She adores him now!) Once we got home from China he started a brand new job with brand new hours so I saw Lydia far more than he. Daddy daughter bonding opportunities became imperative to create and maintain. Now they are tight and they played and wrestled and had a grand time today in order to celebrate Daddy's birthday today. (The extra sugar Lydia got in cake form helped add to the excitement of the evening!) But rest assured everyone...Russell gets her too. I'm not a total baby hog!

As for Daycare. Lydia did great. She had one hour long breakdown after 90 minutes. (The longest I've ever left her prior to today was 90 minutes, so I think maybe she got nervous.) After lunch time though, she settled down and played. When I came and got her at 4, she was happy and excited. She kept pointing to things around the room and wanted me to take her to them and look at them with her as she babbled. (I swear she was telling me about her day.) When we got home she was all kisses and crazy fun play, hurling herself at us and wanting to play with all her toys at once. It was like she was behind her play schedule and had to make sure she got play time in on all her toys. She was happy. She was well adjusted. She was not scarred for life. And I too survived. (I only cried for a half an hour! LOL) The real test is tonight. How she sleeps. I am hopeful and I am happy to have her home. It was a long day.


Blogger Susan said...

I'm glad everyone survived their first day! It will only get easier, right? (this said from a mommy to be who hasn't had to make this step yet!)


PS congrats on the tenure progress..can't wait to hear that it's over.

Monday, November 21, 2005 9:24:00 PM  
Blogger Gab said...

Glad to hear Lydia's first full day went well - i'm glad you made it through ok too. I have a little girl in daycare and you know what? She loves to play with other kids, is really socialized, and comes home with all sorts of new skills. Last week I was reading her 'the wheels on the bus' and all of a sudden she starts rolling her hands - and I realized that she does this at school - amazing! It will get easier each day, especially as she comes to really love her caregivers. Hang in there. BTW, Lydia looks like the happiest little girl (oh, and you and your husband look just a TAD happy - hee hee).

Monday, November 21, 2005 11:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We've followed your blog for a while and have to say you are the coolest parents! Being big sci-fi junkies ourselves, we laughed out loud at russell's and Lydia's shirts. We will SO have some of those.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005 9:37:00 AM  

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