When Bunnies Go BAD
I haven't blogged a lot here lately. Not because I've lost interest in my "hobby" but because I've been spending a lot of time at the hospital. Lydia has been sick this week. High fever forced us into a midnight emergency room visit Monday morning where, even though she had a fever of almost 104, we were poo-pooed and told we were over-reacting. Without looking at her throat or doing any blood work, they administed our girl a heavy dose of Motrin and sent us home. After a weekend of high fever (seemingly due to her shots having been administed on Friday) we were glad that by Monday night we had a fever free child.
Unfortunately though, this was NOT the end.
Now, my girl isn't perfect. She's not always happy and she can throw a fit when the occassion calls, but overall she's a pretty upbeat kid. She likes to smile and laugh and it takes a lot to to ruffle her feathers. But this week she was cranky. Fever over, I decided it was because her daddy's schedule had changed for the week. Working second shift to cover for an employee who was taking exams neither one of us saw much of Russell. She wanted to be held constantly and sleep? Well lets just say, she got "some" and I got none.
I finally decided even though I was poo-pooed we needed to go back to the doctor. She wasn't "right". I didn't know this child anymore and her mood swings were extreme and always unexpected. She could be laughing one second and then the next be crying for an hour insisting to be held...while hitting me repeatedly to "get away".
So I made an appointment with Lydia's regular Doctor, Dr. Tara.
She is sweet and kind and loving with the babies. She looks for "bad bunnies" in Lydia's ears, throat and tummy and listens to what is going on. She never makes you feel stupid and she is understanding about overprotective new moms. She has gone from knowing almost nothing about the needs of internationally adopted children (before we brought Lydia home) to being well versed about Chinese growth charts and health concerns facing Asians. She heard about our emergency room experience and shook her head. She discovered Lydia has croup, a viral disease that effects the esophogas and larynx causing extreme discomfort. Again, there isn't much we can do for our girl but make her more comfortable...but I am thankful for Dr. Tara. She loves her patients and honestly this patient's mommy loves her back!
I learned something here... didn't know you could have croup without the accompanying "seal bark" cough. Did the Dr. prescribe any meds? Just curious.
She had a cough, but only at night and very irregular. Not very seal sounding either. Dr. Tara has her on Histex and steam.
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My older son had the croup when he was 6 months old. Those were a horrible 2 weeks! We took him to the ER twice because he was coughing so much he couldn't breathe. And forget about sleeping...he would wake up coughing every 10 minutes.
I'm so glad Lydia's fever is gone.
~Mary (momof2boysinoh from the China Forum)
Lissa, that is how we feel about Cady's doctor too. She is not an "international adoption doctor", but sometimes that can be the best doctor, because they do not rest their books on their titles. The best doctor for an internationally adopted child is one that can gain a connection with the child. Everything else can be learned.
Poor Lydia. I'm glad you and Russ did not just take the emergency crew as the last answer. Kudos to you for following your gut.
Feel better soon Lydia!!
Bless her heart!! Here's hoping that Lydia is on the mend soon!!!
Hugs -
Tonia and Delaynee
I haven't checked in a bit - I hope that Liddy is doing better...she looks absolutely gorgeous in your othe rpictures.
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