Monday, January 16, 2006


"Where'd the tree go?"

Russell and I finally got the tree down. We were slow about it this year, but in our defense, this is our first year with a baby. And ya the end of the day when you still have a ton to do taking down the tree is just not on the high priority list. And right now if it ain't on the high priority list...well it's usually not getting done!!
Anyway with Chinese New Yeats right around the corner the tree went onto the high priority list finally and Lydia was sorta sad to see it go. She "helped" as mommy took down ornaments and daddy took away the tree.
She was really good about tree this year. I hope she's as good next year. She wanted to touch it, but the texture of it "turned her oof" so she would just stare at it and point occasionally to an ornament she thought was particularly nifty.
Now we are getting ready for Chinese New Year. We have gotten tickets for a dinner with our Local FCC and we are starting to learn about the New Year and it's traditions. One tradition we will keep is on the first day of the New Year we will abstain from eating meat. The Chinese believe this ensures long and happy lives. We will also honor the tradition of wearing a new outfit that was bought specifically to be worn for tne New Year. We will hang banners on our door wishing happiness for all those who enter and we will eat oranges and peanuts. (The orange is for happiness and the peanut is for long life.) As for activities we plan to give Lydia a red envelop which she won't appreciate too much now, but as she gets older she will enjoy as it has cash inside. We will also light firecrackers on the New Year's Eve.
What more we will do I have no idea. I am sure CNY will evolve as we learn more about it. It's been a lot of fun learning about the New Year though and I am hoping The Year of The Dog treats us all very well.


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