Monday, May 08, 2006

My Mother's Curse

I'm worried.

You see, my mother pronounced a curse on me and my sister some 24-25 years ago when my sister was pregnant with my nephew Lewis. I wanted Laura to have a girl. Not because I didn't want her to have a boy, but honestly because I liked the name Teresa more than I liked the name Lewis. And my mom (who ALWAYS gets baby genders's spooky) said that it was destined that Laura would have a rough and tumble boy and I would have a sweet well behaved girl.
We both laughed...we were young and naive...but lo and behold Laura gave birth to Lewis and he was rough and he tumbled.
I took to him immediately. I have never met another soul on this planet more like me. He was my male counterpart and I "got" him. Laura...God Bless a great mom to Lew.

Now I have Lydia. She is the sweet well behaved girl mom told me I would have. And she well behaved. You say no and she stops. And you know what? I rarely have to say no. So my this gonna be who she is forever? Part of me hopes so. She is sooooo easy. But this other part of me is like, comeon...FIGHT ME!!

Is that weird or what?

I'm worried...but not so much about Lydia. Mostly about my own good judgement. :-)


Blogger Yoli said...

Lissa, count your blessings girl. Wait until the teen years when you will be getting those fights.

Then again, I have another suggestion should you really need a feisty toddler. How about a little brother? Those new lists are already out for a lot of agencies. In Holt alone there a ton of boys. So your Marcus Aurelius could be there!

Just kidding....don't hurt me!


Wednesday, May 10, 2006 8:39:00 PM  

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