Tuesday, October 11, 2005

The next time you hear from me I will be a Momma!

We go downstairs in 20 minutes to meet up with our group. We've packed her some clothes, some bibs, some snacks, a bottle of formula, some water, some pedialyte and some toys. (We also have diapers, wipes, diaper rash cream etc.) We have our TA form to turn in to the officials. We've paid the Orphange Donation and all the fees. We have the gifts wrapped. (Ky. Mint Jelly's, Ky. Burbon flavoured coffee, postcards of Ky and a nice pen with the Murray State Logo and name on it.) We've signed all the papers and fingerprinted them in red ink...so it's official. It's happening. The cameras are all charged and extra batteries are ready along with extra film cards etc. Mom and Dad are nervous as all get out and if either one of us goes to pee again we are likely to mummify!!

Pictures of Lydia soon to follow!


Blogger Donna said...

First of all, your family is gorgeous! You all look like you've been together forever!

Now, I have to tell you that your gift list really made me laugh until I figured out the "KY" was Kentucky! Until then, I thought you were giving gifts of KY Mint Jelly! (mint?) Rather off topic but I thought you'd appreciate a giggle!

Lots of love!


Tuesday, October 11, 2005 11:12:00 AM  

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