Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Cold Ravioli Straight Out Of The Can

Do y'all know the story about how Russ and I hooked up?

We were both comic book store flunkies. I hung out with the pretentious vampire gaming crowd and he hung out with the much kinder and gentler anime crowd. We met while I was dating a jerk and he was being all googly eyed over a jerkette. After about 2-3 weeks of being good aquaintances I talked to him about his Christmas plans and he told me he was going to probably be doing the same thing he did for Thanksgiving--eating cold ravioli out of the can.
I was aghast!!!
"No Way!!! You are coming over my house for Christmas, no arguments that's it!"
And so a friendship was born...then a love...later a marriage and then ulimately a baby was adopted from China.
A baby who has to eat.
A baby who has to eat even when mommy is far away.
A mommy who remembered the ravioli incident and who lovingly menued and purchased all easy to prepare meals that should be consumed by both daddy and baby while mommy was away.
Those meals are still intact...and these happy meal toys have been added to our ever growing collection.
No worries, I'm not going away again for awhile.


Blogger Unknown said...


That is too funny! My dh also would feed our sons happy meals breakfast, lunch and dinner if he had to fend for himself. :-)

Thanks for sharing your blog!

Mary (also known as momof2boysinoh)

Tuesday, March 07, 2006 8:21:00 PM  
Blogger Yoli said...

Aaawww Lissa that is so sweet. I was a goth child, later a D&D geek. This story touches me, sounds awfully romantic. Glad you are home.

Mom To Sally In Inner Mongolia

Wednesday, March 08, 2006 7:48:00 PM  
Blogger Tammy said...

She survived. I think that's how most dad's cook. Love the Ladybug towel.


Monday, March 13, 2006 7:22:00 PM  

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